
Tug of WarGods Rules v0.75

Born rom a wonderful discussion around Adepticon 2023, I've finally taken my quickly jotted down notes and expanded them into a slightly more coherent rule set. There has even been a some playtesting to uncover issues unconceived of originally.


Teams consist of 3 miniatures. 

Objective is to pull 2 members of the opposing team across the center line.

Also, if the same member of a team is pulled across the center line two different turns, the team that pulled that member across wins.

Building a team must follow regular WarGods restrictions (no Heru with Typhon, etc.)

0-1 Beloved of Sobek, Minotaur =d12

0-2 Sebeki, Wendigo =d10

0-3 Heru, To-Tanem, Typhon, Mycenean =d8

0-3 Asar, Anubi, Khemru, Amazon, other Greeks =d6

0-3 Basti, Nekharu, Tethru, Satyr, Frost Maidens =d4

Setup has a center line. Each team deploys in column formation 4" on opposite sides of the center line. 

Both teams roll all dice simultaneously at the start of each turn. Total each teams' dice roll.

The team with the higher total moves half the difference inches backwards (like a Fall Back order), pulling the opposing team that same distance towards the center line.

Roll all dice for each team again until 2 opposing team miniatures are pulled across the center line (or the front team opposing member is pulled completely across two separate times). 

In the case of each team's roll being the same, there is no movement and each team gets a -1 on the next roll.

Team Example 1

2 Sebeki, 1 To-Tanem = 2d10, 1d8

Team Example 2

1 Amazon, 2 Satyrs = 1d6, 2d4

Team Example 3

1 Wendigo, 2 Frost Maidens = 1d10, 2d4

Play Example

Greentoe's Team (1 Sebeki and 2 Asar) vs Clearsky's Team (1 Heru, 1 Asar, and 1 Basti)

Turn 1

Greentoe's rolls= 4, 3, 6= 13

Clearsky's rolls= 4, 4, 3= 11

13-11= 2 in Greentoe's favor

2/2= 1" Clearsky's team is pulled towards the center line. 

Greentoe's team moves 1" away from the center line. 

Clearsky's team is 3" from the center line. 

Proceed to turn 2...

Tug of WarGods- Playtesting Round 3

A new round of testing. Team Snarl gets a change up to the roster with a Sebeki (d10), an Asar (d6), and a Tethru (d4). And introducing Team Pull with two ToTanem (2d8), and a Khemru (d6). A new play surface was quickly thrown together to make it a little easier to see the action and hopefully reduce any measuring issues from previous test games.


Turn 1- Snarl rolls 10 total, Pull rolls 13 total. 13-10= 3 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 1" back for Pull. Pulling Snarl 1" toward the center line.

Turn 2- Snarl rolls 14 total, Pull rolls 17 total. 17-14= 3 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 1" back for Pull. This pulls Snarl another 1" toward the center line.

Turn 3- Snarl rolls 10 total, Pull rolls 16 total. 16-10= 6 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 3" back for Pull. This pulls the first member of Snarl across the center line!

Turn 4- Snarl rolls 7 total, Pull rolls 11 total. 11-7= 4 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 2" back for Pull. Pull drags Snarl across the center line winning the game.


Turn 1- Snarl rolls 15 total, Pull rolls 12 total. 15-12= 3 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 1" back for Snarl. Pulling Pull 1" toward the center line.

Turn 2- Snarl rolls 13 total, Pull rolls 14 total. 14-13= 1 this is a strange result that was decided to be  deemed a 1" back for Pull. Pulling Snarl 1" toward the center line.

Turn 3- Snarl rolls 9 total, Pull rolls 16 total. 16-9= 7 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 3" back for Pull. Pulling Snarl within 1" of the center line.

Turn 4- Snarl rolls 9 total, Pull rolls 16 total. 16-9= 7 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 3" back for Pull. This yanks all three members of Snarl across the center line. Another win for pull.


Turn 1- Snarl rolls 8 total, Pull rolls 12 total. 12-9= 3 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 1" back for Pull. Pulling Snarl 1" toward the center line.

Turn 2- Snarl rolls 11 total, Pull rolls 11 total. It's a tie as both teams manage to stand their ground!

Turn 3- Snarl rolls 13 total, Pull rolls 11 total. 13-11= 2 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 1" back for Snarl. This pulls Pull 1" toward the center line.

Turn 4- Snarl rolls 13 total, Pull rolls 15 total. 15-13= 2 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 1" back for Pull. Pulling Snarl 1" toward the center line.

Turn 5- Snarl rolls 12 total, Pull rolls 18 total. 18-12= 6 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 3" back for Pull. Pulling the first member of Snarl across the center line.

Turn 6- Snarl rolls 9 total, Pull rolls 7 total. 9-7= 2 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 1" back for Snarl, bringing the firwst member back over the center line.

Turn 7- Snarl rolls 11 total, Pull rolls 7 total. 11-7= 4 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 2" back for Snarl. Pulling Pull 2" toward the center line.

Turn 8- Snarl rolls 13 total, Pull rolls 12 total. 13-12= 1 the second time we've gotten the 1 result, so we followed the 1" precedent from Game 2. Snarl got 1" move back.

Turn 9- Snarl rolls 15 total, Pull rolls 18 total. 18-15= 3 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 1" back for Pull. Pulling Snarl 1" toward the center line.

Turn 10- Snarl rolls 12 total, Pull rolls 9 total. 12-9= 3 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 1" back for Snarl. Pulling Pull 1" toward the center line.

Turn 11- Snarl rolls 14 total, Pull rolls 13 total. 14-13= 1 again. Snarl pulling Pull 1" toward the center line.

Turn 12- Snarl rolls 18 total, Pull rolls 8 total. 18-8= 10 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 5" back for Snarl. Pulling Pull 5" and the first member across the center line.

Turn 13- Snarl rolls 12 total, Pull rolls 10 total. 12-10= 2 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 1" back for Snarl. Pull's second member is yanked across the center line giving the win to Snarl!


Some poor rolls for Snarl and some good rolls for Pull turned the first two games into pretty quick routs. The third game was much more of a tug of war with Snarl pulling off a win with some more lucky rolls.

The situations where the difference in rolls was a 1 leading to a 1" move instead of a .5" is something I think needs to be looked at. Perhaps it should've been a .5" in that case and larger odd numbers rounded down. I think avoiding half inch moves speeds up play, though.

I think some additional testing will bring up more unexpected situations, like the equal result in game 3. We'll see what else needs to be tweaked in the rules.


Tug of WarGods Rules v 0.65

Born from a wonderful discussion around Adepticon 2023, I've finally taken my quickly jotted down notes and expanded them into a slightly more coherent rule set. There has even been a tiny bit of playtesting (with pictures!).


Teams of 3 miniatures each. 

Objective is to pull 2 members of the opposing team across the center line.

Also, if the same member of a team is pulled across the center line two different turns, the team that pulled that member across wins.

Building a team must follow regular restrictions (no Heru with Typhon, etc.)

0-1 Beloved of Sobek, Minotaur =d12

0-2 Sebeki, Wendigo =d10

0-3 Heru, To-Tanem, Typhon, Mycenean =d8

0-3 Asar, Anubi, Khemru, Amazon, other Greeks =d6

00-3Basti, Nekharu, Tethru, Satyr, Frost Maidens =d4

Setup has a center line that each team deploys in column formation, 4" on opposite sides of the center line. 

Both teams roll all dice simultaneously. Total each teams' dice roll.

The team with the higher total moves half the difference in inches (rounded down) backwards, pulling the opposing team that same distance forward.

Roll all dice for each team again until 2 opposing team miniatures are pulled across the center line (or the front team opposing member is pulled completely across two separate times). 

Team Example 1

2 Sebeki, 1 To-Tanem = 2d10, 1d8

Team Example 2

1 Amazon, 2 Satyrs = 1d6, 2d4

Team Example 3

1 Wendigo, 2 Frost Maidens = 1d10, 2d4

Play Example

Greentoe's Team (1 Sebeki and 2 Asar) vs Clearsky's Team (1 Heru, 1 Asar, and 1 Basti)

Turn 1

Greentoe's rolls= 4, 3, 6= 13

Clearsky's rolls= 4, 4, 3= 11

13-11= 2 in Greentoe's favor

2/2= 1" Clearsky's team is pulled towards the center line. 

Greentoe's team moves 1" away from the center line. 

Clearsky's team is 3" from the center line. 

Proceed to turn 2...

Tug of WarGods- Sebeki vs Sebeki Playtesting

Three more playtest matches of Tug of WarGods. This time with a Beloved of Sobek on one team and two Sebeki on the other. Team Chomper has the Beloved and 2 Asar (a d20 and 2d6). Returning from their 2 out of 3 wins in the previous playtest, Team Snarl with 2 Sebeki and 1 Asar (2d10 and 1d6).


Turn 1- Snarl rolls 25 total, Chomper rolls 21 total. 25-21= 4 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved= 2" back for Snarl. Pulling Chomper 2" from the center line.

Turn 2- Chomper rolls 20 total, Snarl rolls 13 total. 20-13= 7 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 3" back for Chomper. Pulling Snarl 3" from the center line.

Turn 3- Chomper rolls 15 total, Snarl rolls 11 total. 15-11= 4 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved = 2" back for Chomper. Pulling Snarl 1" from the center line.

Turn 4- Chomper rolls 22 total, Snarl rolls 11 total. 22-12= 10 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved= 5" back for Chomper. All of team Snarl is pulled across the center line. Victory for Team Chomper!


Turn 1- Snarl rolls 12 total, Chomper rolls 19 total. 19-12= 7 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 3" back for Chomper. Apparently there was a movement error and Snarl was only moved up 2" from the center line- these things can happen in the heat of Tug of WarGods.

Turn 2- Snarl rolls 21 total, Chomper rolls 24 total. 24-21= 3 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved  (rounded down)= 1" back for Chomper. Pulling Snarl 1" from the center line.

Turn 3- Snarl rolls 17 total, Chomper rolls 12 total. 17-12= 5 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 2" back for Snarl. There is a struggle developing here...

Turn 4- Snarl rolls 17 total, Chomper rolls 20 total. 20-17= 3 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 1" back for Chomper. Snarl is dragged closer to the center line.

Turn 5- Snarl rolls 19 total, Chomper rolls 8 total. 19-8= 11 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down)= 5" back for Snarl. Chomper is dragged to 3" from the center line!

Turn 6- Both teams seem to be tiring out this turn. Snarl rolls 7 total, Chomper rolls 9 total. 9-7= 2 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved= 1" back for Chomper. Both teams are ack to their starting positions.

Turn 7- Snarl rolls 11 total, Chomper rolls 29 total (the d20 was apparently jostled before the pic was snapped). 29-11= 18 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved= 9" back for Chomper. Snarl has been dragged far across the center line for another Chomper victory!


Turn 1- Chomper rolls an impressive 29 total, Snarl rolls 18 total. 29-18= 11 divide by 2 to get the amount of inches moved (rounded down) = 6" back for Chomper! Snarl is pulled across the center line immediately. 


The d20 for the Beloved is VERY strong. I'm not sure if it should be reduced to a d12 or Beloveds and Minotaurs should be limited in some way. I think the d12 might be the best option, mainly because they already have an advantage with their 40mm bases if placed in the front of the team.

Despite the strength of the d20, the first 2 games were pretty competitive, until they weren't. More testing is probably needed. Perhaps a ToTanem team needs to make a showing in the next playtests?